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Valuation Services - The Service

Danielle Wallace, the owner of New Zealand Jewellery Valuers Ltd, offers a very personal service, tailored to meet your exact requirements.  Ring me to find a participating Jeweller in your area.

For an accurate valuation you will need to first establish what type of report best meets your needs.  See below the types of valuations that can be done.

All items will then be cleaned prior to Danielle personally examining each piece of jewellery, identifying and grading all gemstones and diamonds before creating the valuation report.

You will receive:

  • Two copies of a professional document giving a value

  • Clear, detailed descriptions and photographs

  • High quality presentation folder and sleeve

Your report will normally be completed within one to two weeks.  When there is a degree of urgency, please contact me to discuss options.

The Types of Valuations Offered

  • Insurance Replacement purposes

  • Probate

  • Divorce Settlement

  • Private Sale

  • Independent Assessment

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Mob:  0210634248  

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